Monday, May 17, 2010


Haven't been here for a while. Guess you could say I've been a bit "scattered". Interestingly enough, in today's Gospel that exactly what Jesus tells his followers that's what is going to happen to them in the days to come. Yes, scattered due to fear of Jesus' arrest and ultimate crucifixion and yet in Acts today we also hear of some scattered disciples. Paul and company scattered about not out of fear but to boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus death and resurrection. Now let's remember hindsight is 20/20 and the disciples are now filled with the Holy Spirit impelling them to preach Jesus the Risen Savior. As I read this though I thought...what about us? Or perhaps more rightly so, what about me? I certainly believe in the Gospel message and have received the Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation, should I not be impelled to preach the Gospel either in word or action as boldly as the early disciples? What holds me back? Is it that I am scattered about too many things and not focused on the call to discipleship that I have been blessed to receive? As I begin this new week of ministry, I pray I can hold these thoughts before me and not let myself get scattered among the distractions that turn my focus away from the work God calls me to do.

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