Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Venture

Yikes it is Labor Day weekend already-where did summer go! I just got back from an exciting trip to Chicago. I met with some great Dominicans and we shared so much about the wonderful spirit Dominicans share. One was Kathi Sleziak, O.P. who does a lot of things with youth and young adults in the Grand Rapids, MI area and beyond. I also met with Tony Butler and Steph Flax of the Dominican Volunteers. This is an awesome group which provides great opportunities for young people to serve with Domincans in ministry across the U.S. I recommend that you visit their website to learn more. It is
Tonight I am off to my first Catholic Underground experience in NYC. I am looking forward to being able to pray and meet young faithfilled adults. Will let you know how it goes. Until then.....
Peace and blessings.